The Alchemist Entrepreneur
Helping you create a consistent flow of ideal customers.
From Dov Gordon:
Do you feel that you're doing and doing and doing...but it all feels haphazard,
without a plan and like it's just not adding up?
If yes, let me encourage you because it took me more years than I care to admit to figure out what I'm going to share with you right here on this page.
Consultants, coaches and other experts
face a real problem today.
You realize that you need help figuring out how to get more clients, so you go out and talk to the experts. And who do you meet?
The SEO expert. And the social media expert. And the direct mail expert. And the LinkedIn expert. And the convention exhibition expert. And the website expert. And the Yellow Pages rep. And the AdWords expert. And the cold-calling expert. And the PR expert. And the networking expert. And so on.
And when you ask
"How do I get more clients?"
what do they tell you?
It doesn't end there. Oh, no! If you have employees, they also have ideas and they argue for this or that… And you watch your competitors and wonder if you should do the same…
You try to follow their advice.
But you end up working hard on many things -
and it still doesn't add up to a consistent flow of clients.And so you find yourself back to square one -
Your talent is underutilized.
Your bank account is underfunded.
And you? You're overwhelmed!
Eventually I figured it out: The problem with all of their advice was that it amounted to a mere collection of good ideas.
Good ideas are never enough. With lots of good ideas, you get caught in the trap of trying to implement
them all - and each idea takes you in a different direction.
The secret to creating a consistent flow of ideal clients to take just one or two good ideas, bound together in a simple, logical framework that makes all your hard work ADD UP.
THAT's what I was missing.
You, too?
Here's what so few understand: Your ideal clients have questions. And when you answer those questions - in the proper sequence - you'll always have plenty of clients.
Are you working really hard -
but still don't have enough clients?
The Five Questions You Must Answer to
Turn a Prospect into a Customer
QUESTION # 1. "Is what you're saying interesting to me?"
So much of marketing focuses on getting attention. On being noticed.
But attention is fleeting. It's never enough.
A loud noise will get your attention. A funny joke will get your attention. But then you go back to what you were planning to do anyway.
But when something gets your INTEREST, you change your plans and head towards it.
If your prospect doesn't quickly become INTERESTED in you and your message, they quickly turn their attention somewhere else. So the very first thing your marketing must do is attract the interest of your ideal clients.
Once they are interested, they have a new question…
QUESTION # 2. "Can I trust you? You got me. Your message was interesting. But will you really do what you say you'll do? Will your product or service do what you say it will do? Do you really know what you're talking about? Do you have my best interests at heart or are you just trying to make a quick buck on me?"
And so, you now need to help them answer "Yes!" to this second question of "Can I trust you?"
As soon as your prospect feels that yes, they can trust you; yes, you are for real, they now have a third question...
QUESTION # 3. "OK, I see your product and service will do what you say. But will it work for ME? Is it right for MY situation?" Every client believes that his or her situation is different. And so you need a simple, reliable way to leave them feeling that yes, you can help HIM, in his unique situation.
And when you do, something magical happens: He feels understood.
It's not often that we feel someone really "gets" us. Really understands us and cares about what we want. So when your prospect does feel that you understand him, they'll ask you this next question...
QUESTION # 4. "Wow! You understand me! Now what do you recommend for me? What do you think I should do?" Here is where you talk about your product or service.
At this point you are so close. But so many of us lose everything at this point. We don't understand how to "package" our product or service in a way that will make this person, who has traveled so far, have the confidence to go ahead and buy.
And so you must be sure you're packaging and presenting your product or service in a way that leaves them feeling "Yes! If I go ahead with you, I will quickly get what I want!"
And so they buy!
Congratulations, you got yourself a new client!
QUESTION # 5. "That was really great. How else can you help me?" Soon, your client will want to know what else you can do. Be prepared with additional products and services to keep your client coming back and telling their friends too.
And so you see, it's not about Facebook. Or blogging. Or email marketing. For PR. Or AdWords. Or SEO. Or any tactic.
Every tactic can work. And every tactic can fail.
If your marketing and selling system follows this framework, it will bring you a steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal clients.
When I finally broke down the marketing and sales process into these five stages, and built a simple system for each stage, my business turned around.
And now I'm going to help you do the exact same thing for your coaching, consulting or other expertise-based business.
In my manual, called "How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First-Rate Clients," (Order it
below now) I break down each of these five steps into easy-to-understand and simple-to-do exercises. Follow my lead and you will quickly build a your own steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal clients.
The manual includes dozens of very specific, simple exercises and worksheets so you can zero in on the details and get them done fast without the slightest feeling of overwhelm.
45 Day Unconditional Guarantee:
"How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First-Rate Clients" will give you the very clear next steps you need to attract your very own steady, consistent, predictable flow of ideal clients - or your money back. Take it for a test drive. Read it through. Do the exercises. And if it doesn't change the game for you, email and request a refund. Simple.
How much is "How to Systematically and Consistently Attract First-Rate Clients?"
Only $97. Get started now with this downloadable PDF. Life will never be the same:
PS: Nothing will make your business more fun than when you've created your very own stream of
quality clients. As you've heard and seen, it's simple once you have a clear process to follow.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Skype: dov_gordon
- Well, the SEO expert says you need to optimize your website so people can find you.
- And the social media expert says you need to be on Twitter and Facebook so you can interact with your customers and "be visible."
- The public relations expert tells you that free publicity is worth far more than advertising.
- The LinkedIn expert says you need to be using LinkedIn to find the best prospects.
- The convention expert says you need to get out there and meet people face to face.
- The website expert tells you your website looks antiquated.